Thursday, 29 July 2010

Get inspired, but do not copy

From time to time I have a website to design. One of my current projects pro publico bono (which means more less that doing this for free) is a website for a small parish. It's located in the country, so I can't do anything fancy like corporate web 2.0 blogs. This website has to have a specific style. And here is also where my adventure begins.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Un blob CSS (and some summer rant)

Smashing Magazine (my 2nd favourite lecture these days; I have nothing to do at work most of the time) released an article about what wonders you can do with CSS3. WONDERS, seriously. I can't wait to use that piece of teh interwebs, but the things is... that I don't think it will be soon.

What I found the cute was this Blob. JS + CSS3 = "Woo! I can play with this for hours." Like a truly disabled mentally grown up who is bored at work. But the things is... I use Firefox. And here is where the problems begins.