Thursday, 30 September 2010

No? Really?!

Today I'm going to pretend a psychologist. Or sociologist. And this means I'm gonna state obvious things, just because I have too much free time.

You see... My friend is getting married, this Saturday to be exact. She's been busy lately, so have I, so you can assume we weren't meeting as often as with our other (different) group of friends. However about 2h I got a text message with an invitation to her wedding at church. As a reminder I want to add that today is Thursday. I thanked and politely declined, though with a little bit of evil subtext ("you sent the news too late, I got plans!").

But now... Let's rewind and look at the facts.
  • Clue #1: I knew she was looking for a wedding photographer almost a year ago.
  • Clue #2: When I was away for May weekend someone else called with the news "Did you know that M. is getting married in October?!" Person who called me has another mutual friend with the girl who is the bride-to-be this Saturday.
  • Clue #3: two weeks ago another random person of this drama calls me with question "Hey, do we have anything for M.'s hen party?" What was I supposed to answer? "Ya know... first thing I don't even officially know about the wedding and the second... I don't know nothing about the party."
  • Clue #4: Facebook event added 2 days ago.
So when I got the SMS my first reaction was "You're getting married? Really?! No wai!" The fact that my friend is forgetful and few other things is nothing new. I can't be at the ceremony, but oh well. Shit happens. However what made me totally laugh was that Facebook event.

I understand Facebook addiction or creating events as a reminder there. I often use it on to remember when are the gigs I want to attend to. But creating such instead of a wedding invitation? SERIOUSLY?!

I am terrified how FB becomes the only way of communication. Few weeks ago I got an invitation to a party, the info was only there. Fine. Just when I was supposed to go out for some small shopping in the city and then go to the event. Luckily out of habit I checked my home page and there I found a notice. "Sorry, the party is cancelled. See ya next week."

Or the b-day wishes. My friend counter is slightly above 200 and most of people know each other. So whenever there's someone's birthday I got info that John Smith and 29849308 other people wrote wishes on someone's wall. I'm old fashioned, but I think it's sweeter to get a phone call or even a simple text message. It shows that you remember and put at least some effort in it. Even it's picking up the phone or clicking "send a private message" if you don't have the number.

I'm so old fashioned :s

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Pura Energía, Puro Chile

I have no idea how many times I said this today, but...


I have no idea who came up with such great visualisations, but I'm still astonished. It's really worth watching in HD.

And those fireworks... Even Disney stays behind with their animation.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010


I like learning languages. It's useful, fun, looks nice in CV, but most of all - you don't have to watch films with subtitles. My newest goal is to know Spanish, one of the reasons being those few Chileans spamming my twitter or facebook. And I don't like not understanding things that pop up in my face.

I'm a lazy person and since I lately had to do an audiobook advert, I tried this form of learning. My first victim is Pimsleur course which I got from my friend.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The scariest films of the decade

One of Polish websites (a very virtual one) made a gallery of "Top10 scariest films of the decade." As I'm lately in the horror business I allowed myself to comment about those.

So here we go!