Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Real and fake friends meme

Somewhere I found this meme to repost about real and fake friends. Some quotes were as cliche as Charlie the unicorn is pink and peachy. But few really got my attention and I say those are so true...

Truth #1
Fake friends: Never ask for food.
Real friends: Are the reason you have no food.

Though I must admit that whenever I asked them what to buy for breakfast (if they stay for the night) they tell me to get lost and usually buy me food to eat. Of course if I only try to pay it's a big fuss.

Truth #2
Fake friends: Will knock on your front door.
Real friends: Walk right in and say "I’M HOME!"

Pity if the door is closed XD Yet if we're hanging out together and waiting for rest to come it usually ends up with "rock, paper, scissors" if someone rings the bell and no-one wants to get up to answer it.

Oh and this reminds me of KubuĊ› - the kingpin of cheese dealership. I have no idea why.

And paszczak's mum. I ♥ that woman for feeding me with that delicious food whenever I'm there.

Truth #3
Fake friends: Call your parents Mr./Mrs.
Real friends: Call your parents DAD/MOM.