Friday, 18 December 2009

Snow for sale

Don't get me wrong. Winter is my second favourite season. It would be first but living in this country has few disadvantages connected to this time of year.

So yesterday is started to snow. And I mean real snow not this "wet white piece of s**t which melts within 30 seconds." This time the temperature was below 0°C (32°F) for the last few days. To be more accurate it was somewhere between -5°C (23°F) and -10°C (14°F). Therefore the snow was meant to stay.

The whole event started yesterday around 3PM. It was quite innocent in the beginning, some small snowflakes, practically one could not notice them. But an hour later or so the snowfall intensified and the wind started to blow (read: a regular snowstorm). Which is really cool, because it looks magical: dark sky, city lights. Yet there one condition: big snowflakes. Instead of which we had small icy flakes so it wasn't that pleasant.

But I'm getting away from the main plot. There was no snow in the morning. Nothing, ничего, nada, null. So I finally got home with extra 30-40 minutes in the bus because of the conditions on the road and I'm welcomed in my area with an ankle high snowdrifts. Around 10PM I took this picture.

Charming, isn't it? The only problem was... that it was still snowing. Heavily.

Praying that it would stop during the night I went to bed like good little kiddo. However when I woke up around 2 AM and opened one eye to see how's the situation outside get what was falling and how intense. And it stayed that way until 6 AM when this shot was taken:

14h of frozen water falling from the sky

Here I came to the most crucial point of the day: move my lazy bottom to work and school or call and say that there's no technical way I can get there. In the end the vision of getting PS2 for Christmas (which in the end turned out to be PS3 with Little Big Planet as one of the games ) and the fact I'm not allowed to skip any more classes led me to the biggest mistake of the day - mainly to get out of house.

I wasn't even hoping for ploughed pavements. I was quite aware that there's 20 cm layer of snow waiting for me outside. The only problem I encountered on my road were the stairs. Or rather the fact that those weren't in the same spot I saw those the day before. There was a handrail, there was slope, but where every single stair was - no idea. However using the blind man method (just instead of a cane I used my foot) I managed to get down to the road.

I'll skip the part where I was consulting 3 friends who were somewhere on the road also "how does it look like." I'll just say that I was a little bit disturbed my the SMS I got that "Trains are shuttling... Yeah... sure ;p" but after begging another friend who lives near the station for checking if it's true, I decided that at least I'm going to try to get to work.

As I came to the bus stop and saw about 30-40 people waiting for any form of transport I knew I'm the lucky bastard and there's going to be something coming soon. I was even luckier because the first bus that arrived was the one which goes through a short cut through the woods*. What a surprise it was when instead of turning right the bus driver decided to go straight. It was really fun to hear a full bus whining "O-oh" at the same time. After a small detour I managed to get to the train station. No story here though because SKM was working superbly. I can't say a bad word about it.

In Gdańsk as in Gdańsk almost no snow. Because what is a 3-5cm layer compared to a knee-high ones (btw I got stuck for a moment is such in the morning). I just had to defrost after arriving at work (which included declaring my love to the radiator and hugging it).

Few hours of work, school, trying not to kill someone in the process and finally the time to go home. With extra 10 kg on my back. If you ever want to get an extra workout - there's nothing better than a 20 minute walk up the hill with a decent weight in your backpack. But my precious is worth it.

I mentioned that there was little snow in Gdańsk however Gdynia welcomed me with the standard amount of white fluff. And surprise - more snowfall. Luckily the roads were black (thumb up for the ploughing service) so I got back quickly only to discover that the amount of snow not only didn't decrease but even increased. How it looked like at 6PM 18th of December AD 2009 you can see above. I just hope it won't turn into one big ice rink over the night. Considering that the snow was crunching (for those who live in the areas where you can see snow 5 times during your whole life: it means it will be f**king cold in the next few hours) and the weather forecasts say -20°C (-4°F) it's unlikely, but who know with this weather these days...

And it is still snowing...

*This road is also known as 3cities' rally road

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