<kubuś> in a life-death combat?
<cloudi> yeah
<kubuś> [*]
Finally I can play Final Fantasy X (forgive me the lame pun). After lots of adventures like:
- not having a working TV in AV mode,
- taking console to friend's place (who has a working TV), yet forgetting to actually pack the games,
- borrowing a TV from friends,
- yet not borrowing an adapter so the cinch cables would magically turn into SCART input
To other impaired people who don't know what this games is about: I'm some blond dude who looks like just taken from Baywatch cast. His city was attacked by a giant flying water sphere (he was sucked into it) and now he wakes up 1000 years later (Sleeping Beauty) and from what I've gathered he's trying to find his way home (E.T.). Innovative, right?*
Generally I'm not into this kind of games and it is a little bit painful for me to watch. Especially with hours of that cut scenes. I am playing this just for 2-3h and I tell you I have seen hours of films there. It's like a movie on Polsat channel where the commercials are sometimes interrupted by a film. But I found it handy, thanks to those I could finish my supper without the need to pause the game.
Which brings us to the gaming system. Pick action, pick enemy, do the action, wait for your turn. Seems boring. However! after a while it appears that the characters have few interesting moves and attacks. I especially love summoning that giant flying creature by Yuna (here I would like to greet Juli who looks just like this animated character) or using black magic by Lulu who, for your information, wanders around with a teddy-bear. If we add to the picture that she looks like emo geisha, I think that we can agree that Japanese are running on some strong drugs.
Keep that up boys! Because I'm really enjoying this game.
*Actually I can tell you about other things/names. Because the 3rd location I'm visiting looks like Hawaii. I think that S. told me the name of that place, but I think that "Hawaii" fits better. After a quick run over that place and fighting with stranger creatures (blob, Blue Lion form the Land of The OZ) we jump on a sea ship and get attacked by Sin (a local version of Cracken) I was hoping for Johnny Depp appearing on the board, but no luck. And I thought that Japanese would know what a fan service is :<