Monday, 12 April 2010

I'm tired. I'm seriously tired, because of this mourning. Yet it's not because of the tv coverage or the fact that people talk about it the whole time. Believe it or not - I think this is needed. Either as a psychology mass-treatment or by finding out why this accident occurred.

I haven't lost anyone in that plane crush. But my friend did. And it's devastating enough to see someone who is always happy, serene so devastated. To see him helpless and angry because of it. To hear his voice which breaks with every word.

But what saddens and tires me is people's reaction. Maybe not of the majority, but a growing part of "indifferent cynics." I understand that not everyone is personally affected by what happened just few days ago, but I would be thankful for understanding from their side that some people want to grieve and for those 2-3 days. Finding guilty (though I prefer not to call it this way, rather "finding the cause of the accident") and making political decisions is few days or weeks away. So why bring it by brute force now?

I know that some just show off and put [*] or join facebook groups. Is that shallow? I don't know and I don't care. Maybe they were raised that they think it's enough and that they're showing their sorrow this way. I would prefer to go for a walk, think or simply light a candle which in fact I did. Maybe it's just a demonstration, but it helps to cope with it.

A situation today which totally made me lost of words was my boss' and co-workers reaction. Some of them sell advertisements and the question was if they should bother customers or leave the topic for the week. Maybe shorter. In the end it was decided that they may and just after that some stupid jokes came. That they may advertise chocolate there, because it fits the black & white layout, or that "now you can send obituary with our chocolate telegram." I have distance towards most of things, but these jokes were just tasteless -_-'

I'm sorry, but even I am not a heartless person who will not notice that almost 100 people died in tragic circumstances and will behave like nothing happened.

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