Saturday, 8 May 2010

Family conversation #1

My sister sent me a text message. She asked if I'm coming for tomorrow's dinner at her place which, for your information, is our little custom for the last... 6 years? Or so? As I love these silly rethoric questions asked by her I picked up the phone and called her:

<sis> Yes?
<cloudi> No, I went to Australia*...
<sis> Hell knows with your ideas. So I understand you're coming?
<cloudi> Yup.
<sis> Oi, do you know a book The Fifth Mountain?
<cloudi> Heh?
<sis> Paulo Coelho's book. The Fifth Mountain.
<cloudi> Yeah... I know that one...
<sis> You're the one having it or bro?
<cloudi> ...I bought it for you for some b-day...

*I know that I have the habit of calling people from weird places and asking them to find me the fastest route to somewhere on google maps, but it still would be surprising if (when called) I answered that I can't come because I'm in Australia or some other wild place, right?


  1. It could happen :) Once I called one of my students to say that I'd be a couple of minutes late for the lesson to which she replied that she'd be very late. She was in Paris.

  2. Once I went to Germany for a week or two. And I have a very, very bad habit - I forget to tell people that I'm gone for those short holidays. So then I had the first conversation:
    "Where are you?"
    "Uhm... In Fussen. I forgot to mention that?"

    After which there was a small fuss that I disappear, what if something happens, because planes fall, terrorists attack and I can be sold to a brothel.

    I did the same trick last autumn when I was going to Edinburgh. My dad called, asked the question and after hearing about my current location answered with unimpressed voice "Ok. Have fun, kiddo. Call me when you're back in PL."
