Friday, 18 June 2010

Sexy girls, anyone?

For the last 2h, me and my paszczak (my beloved Jus who doesn't know that there are two Korean teams) are sitting and looking for hot girls. I mean hot, so hot that we would drool and decided that we both are at least bi.

And... nothing. 2h of searching, asking guys for advice and nothing. Apart from finding few really cute girls ♥ and me picking mostly lesbians*, I must say that:

  • Jus and I won't make a pass on the same girl, not by any chance;
  • and this goes for any other friends I've been talking with about this;
  • Natalie Portman is pretty, but she was prettier if you ask me. So, paszczak, that child from Ethiopia is all yours;
  • as Jus has some specified type of girls she likes (for a hint, please look one point up), within my range there are: KajolJodie Foster, Gunnhild, Sara Gilbert** and few friends of friends who's pictures I cannot link here. If you see a pattern, please tell me, because I don't see any.
  • but if you girls are interested in me, there's still hope! Apparently my brain adds points for prettiness if you have a great sense of humour (or you understand mine). For example Tegan and/or Sara Quin - still not my type if we're talking just about the looks, but the are awesome, so they land in the top of the list.

*Seriously, I'm starting to believe that I have a gay-radar of some kind. And Sara Gilbert is a lesbian?! Since when? O.O

**Yet even with those women I have this feeling "this is still not it."


  1. I love you Natalie <3

  2. .
    Of course you can't find hot girls, you both don't like girls! duh!

    And I gotta say that Jus has better taste than yours, Cloudi ;> Still both are far from what men likes if you can't drool ...And better to keep it like that q:

  3. @Jus: I w tym teledysku nawet mi się podoba, co potwierdza moją sms-ową teorię.

    @Darius: but all chicks (celebrities) look the same. That's the problem. And true... I prefer drooling when it comes to guys :3~

  4. @cloudi: dokładnie, przez to lubię ją nawet bardziej^^

    @Darius: oh thank you ;) but sweety, girls have eyes! even that we're searching for different types of women's beauty ;) well, me and cloudik at least. don't tell me all men are looking for the same kind of girls? and I can drool on Natalie Portman, in non-lesbian way ;D roar~

  5. @Jus: taka głupia rzecz, ale Natalie w jednym ujęciu przypomina mi Sheldona XD

    And non-lesbian way, sure :*

    @Darius: exactly was Jus said. We do have eyes and apart from knowing (or not) what our beauty types are we also can see what girls are ogled by guys ;)

  6. @cloudik: Proszę Cię, w którym miejscu? ;D a myślałam, że to Adela ma manie...

  7. @Jus: 2:12-2:13. O, na jednej zajawce na youtubie ładnie wyszła.

  8. @cloudik "whaaaat?" _^_
