Thursday, 18 November 2010

Corporate conversations

Since I have too much to do 1) and nothing to write about 2) I'm gonna upload today some conversations that took place today or not so long ago.

Corporate conversations #1
"Do you know when people get the best ideas? During cigarette break or in toilette."
"And that's why you're not allowed to smoke in bathrooms, you could solve all problems."

Corporate conversations #2
P. is talking through phone and trying to sell an advert to his client.
"We can sell you a spot on our service Woman. I'm sure those cleaning brooms are going to be a hit there!" he said with this gross laughter like a frog.
"Yeah, sure. And why not put it in the category 'sex' or 'erotic'." I mumbled.
"And if you click through this website there are subcategories 'sex' and 'beauty'."

Corporate conversations #3
Phone rings, aka picks it up.
"Hey, are you sitting in room 102 now?" asks some dude.
"Yes. Why do you ask?"
"And are you listening to some weird music now?" dude continues interrogation.
"Well... Just now Ślązak and before that Forfiter and Gorrilaz."
"And could you turn the volume a little bit down? Because our lamps are falling into resonance..."

1) I even had an idea what to do today, but software said "no no."
2) I have no flow to write anything nice.

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