Monday 19 July 2010

Un blob CSS (and some summer rant)

Smashing Magazine (my 2nd favourite lecture these days; I have nothing to do at work most of the time) released an article about what wonders you can do with CSS3. WONDERS, seriously. I can't wait to use that piece of teh interwebs, but the things is... that I don't think it will be soon.

What I found the cute was this Blob. JS + CSS3 = "Woo! I can play with this for hours." Like a truly disabled mentally grown up who is bored at work. But the things is... I use Firefox. And here is where the problems begins.

In FF 3.6.6 (and Chrome) Blobby looks like this:

Pretty cool. Gradients work and you can even play with the colours in firebug.

However problems start with another "CSS3 almost ready to go" browser - Opera. Because here (Opera 10.60) we have a small difference:

Still not bad. Because one can live without gradients, right?

But! ("there's always a but, like in stories about Tae"*) now we come to IE. I will just share 2 images, because IE6, 7 and 8 are not that different. There is just one 1px margin problem near the Blobby's mouth.

Cute, isn't it? I like the modern art look and like with most of modern art I don't I have no fucking idea what this could be.

And as a bonus: how would Blobby look like in IE 5.5 (because my IE Tester supports that also):

So I'm waiting for IE9. And while I'm waiting I'm educating myself in jQuery animations which can you can find here. I'm tempted to make a portfolio (which I'm doing for a... year, maybe two) with all the Flash-y stuff, but without Flash!

PS. Woo-hoo! Summer heat is gone. Hopefully for longer. Like a year.

PS2. I need someone to kick me in the ass and motivate me to go back to drawing my web comics. Basically this requires two things. One - making me pack my pencils. Two - helping me in the uneven fight with laziness. Any volunteers?

*if you read this, I do apologise for the pun, but I couldn't stop myself ;*

1 comment:

  1. *you certainly can't stop yourself from many things ;**

    And what can I say, I prefer the Kiki version of Blob with IE 678 ;>
